如何正確運用 Intext Citations, Referencing, & Paraphrasing (Thesis, Dissertation, FYP, Assignment, Essay, Coursework 畢業論文大學功課內)

大家好! 這是 DCWAHK (www.dcwahk.com) 香港論文指輔導顧問中心的 第3個 blog post. 上次在 Thesis,Dissertation, Final Year Project 畢業論文淺談 中輕輕帶過 intext citations, referencing, and paraphrasing. 今次跟大家跟進如何正確運用 intext citations, referencing, and paraphrasing. 


為何需要在 Essay, Assignment, Coursework, Thesis, Dissertation, FYP, 大學論文功課使用 Intext Citations, Referencing & Paraphrasing?

不論是 thesis; dissertation; final-year-project; assignment; essay; coursework; 畢業論文; 或大學功課,  任何academic writing 都是要有資料, 証據和理論去作支持, 除非你是學術界大人物隨便說一句如 the Nobel Prize 一樣重要. 要用到有資料, 証據和理論去作支持, 就要 cite from the source. 在香港, 一般要使用APA Harvard referencing . 與醫療有關的, 大多用 APA . 其他學科, 就多數用 Harvard.


有趣的是, APA 有自己的使用手冊詳細說明統一的要求. 相反, 各自大學有自己 customised Harvard style. 例如 澳洲Macquarie University Library (2021) 的教學: Neville, C 2010, The complete guide to referencing and avoiding plagiarism, Open University Press, New York. 相反 香港 Polytechnic University’s English Learning Centre (2018) 的教學: Chan, D.P., 2011. Business in China. Hong Kong: Dragon Press. 更不同的是, 英國 Open University (2021) 教學: Bell, J. (2014) Doing your research project. Maidenhead: Open University Press. 大家可以看到 Harvard style 在不同大學可以不同的方式.


如何 Paraphrasing?

怎樣也好, 資料, 証據和理論是要paraphrased 即是 write in your own words to express someone else’s ideas, information, evidence, theories, and findings. 摘自 Lee from The SCMP (2021) : Cathay Pacific Airways will start hiring Hong Kong-based pilots again for the first time in about 18 months, as it kick-starts the long process of rebuilding the business for after the Covid-19 pandemic, the Post has learned.”


將這例子 paraphrased 的話, 會變成:  The South China Morning Post (2021) has recently reported that Cathay Pacific, a Hong-Kong-based airline, would resume hiring locally-based pilots 18 months after the Covid-19 pandemic. This recruitment is said to be assisting the airline with long-term business rebuilding.


如何使用 Intext citations and referencing list?

伴隨 paraharsing 的是intext citations, 它有兩種方式. 例子1 Integral citation: In contrast to the literature, Chan and colleagues (2020) argue that the effect of ABC on XYZ does not seem to be significant in Hong Kong. 例子2 Non-integral citation: To summarise the meta analysis, there is no significant evidence to support the effect of ABC on XYZ in Hong Kong (Chan & Lee, 2015; Cheung, Chan, & Lee, 2020; Chong et al., 2021). 這兩例子是 APA style .


在進行intext citations, 文章最後是有 一個對應的reference list. 例如

In APA style :

Chan, L., & Lee, H. (2015). The effect of ABC on DEF in Hong Kong. Journal of XYZ, 1(2), 1-10.


Cheung, M., Chan, L., & Lee, D. (2021). Hong Kong ABC facts. Hong Kong: DEF Press.


In Harvard style:

Chan, L., and Lee, H., 2015, ‘The effect of ABC on DEF in Hong Kong’, Journal of XYZ, 1(2), pp. 1-10.


Cheung, M., Chan, L., and Lee, D., 2021. Hong Kong ABC facts. Hong Kong, DEF Press.


References (in APA & Harvard styles for demonstration)

In APA style :

English Learning Centre, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (2018). The Harvard referencing system. The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Retrieved 2 Aug 2021 from https://elc.polyu.edu.hk/referencing/harvard.pdf   

Lee, D. (2021). Exclusive | Cathay Pacific Airways to hire Hong Kong-based pilots again for the first time during the coronavirus crisis. The SCMP. Retrieved 2 Aug 2021 from https://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/hong-kong-economy/article/3135589/cathay-pacific-airways-hire-hong-kong-based-pilots 


In Harvard style:

Macquarie University Library 2021, ‘Harvard (Author-Date) style’, Macquarie University, [online] https://libguides.mq.edu.au/referencing/Harvard [accessed 2 Aug 2021].


The Open University 2021, ‘Quick guide to Harvard referencing (Cite Them Right)’, The Open University, [online] https://www.open.ac.uk/library/help-and-support/quick-guide-to-harvard-referencing-cite-them-right [accessed 2 Aug 2021].  


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