續談 - Critical Thinking & Writing 畢業論文大學功課批判性思維和寫作 (Thesis, Dissertation, FYP, Assignment, Essay, Coursework )

大家好! 這是 DCWAHK (www.dcwahk.com) 香港論文指輔導顧問中心的 5 blog post. 上次我們 淺談了critical thinking essay, assignment, coursework, thesis, dissertation, final year project 的重要性. 今次我們深入一小點critical thinking 的元素 : Reasoning 


什麼是 Reasoning 推理 (Thesis, Dissertation, FYP,  Assignment, Essay, Coursework 畢業論文大學功課內)?

Logic 建立 reasoning reasoning 建立 critical thinking. Logic 基本運作在thesis, dissertation, FYP, assignment, essay, coursework, 畢業論文大學功課內 可以用以下兩例子說明:

Reasoning Logic 例子1:

Premise 1 - If all people working at ABCD in Hong Kong eat pizzas.

Premise 2 - I am working at ABCD in Hong Kong. 


Reasons Conclusion 結論

Conclusion: Therefore, I eat pizzas.

這是 deductive. 所有 premises 假設要 true 去推論和接受一個 true and sound 結論.


Reasoning Logic 例子2:

Premise 1 - Pizzas sold at fastfood stalls in Hong Kong are tasteful.

Premise 2 - I am going to have a burger at a fastfood stall in Hong Kong.


Reasons Conclusion 結論

Conclusion: Therefore, I guess that burgers at the fastfood stall in Hong Kong are tasteful too.

這是 inductive. 不是直接關係的事去推論, 結論可能是 true.


reasoning 也會有 fallacies.  例如 任何 premise 不是true 縱使 reasoning valid, 這樣 conclusion𥚃true and sound.


Reasoning Logic 例子3:

Premise 1 - All Italians love eating pizzas in Hong Kong.

Premise 2 - I love eating pizzas in Hong Kong. 


Reasons Conclusion 結論

 Conclusion: Therefore I am an Italian in Hong Kong.

我愛吃 pizzas 但我其實不是義大利人, 這樣怎能結論我是義大利人? premise  不是 true, deduction的確結論就不會true and sound, 雖然 reasoning 程序正確. 


Reasoning Logic 例子4:

Premise 1 - Pizzas sold at fastfood stalls in Hong Kong are tasteful.

Premise 2 - I am going to have a burger at a fastfood stall in Hong Kong.


Reasons Conclusion 結論

Conclusion: Therefore, burgers in Hong Kong must be tasteful too.


Inductive 會比較容易有fallacies. 如果有weak induction出現, 這樣推理去結論是 risky weak.


Reasoning 運用得好, 可以展示critical thinking and writing, 幫助你在essay, assignment, coursework, thesis, dissertation, final year project 裡更容易說服 marker. blog post 只是舉例某些 logic fallacy 例子, 香港的同學要小心假設和推論去順利完成 critical thinking and writing . 


Essay/Assignment/Report writing/Personal Statement/大學功課/畢業論文/個人陳述 查詢

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為學士 碩士 博士大學生 提供 學/碩/博士 大學論文 功課 及個人陳述 指導、編輯、研究諮詢顧問支援服務


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了解更多香港學士 碩士 博士大學論文 (Thesis Dissertation) | 個人陳述 (Personal statement) | Final Year Project | 功課 (Essay Assignment Coursework) 指導、編輯、研究指導顧問諮詢 

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如何運用 Critical Thinking & Writing 畢業論文大學功課批判性思維和寫作? (Thesis, Dissertation, FYP, Assignment, Essay, Coursework)

Dissertation/Thesis/Final Year Project: Secondary Quantitative Data Collection & Analysis 畢業論文第二身質化數據收集及分析

Dissertation/Thesis/Final Year Project: Secondary Qualitative Data Collection & Analysis 畢業論文第二身質化數據收集和分析